Doors & Materials
A vinyl door gives you many style options with over a hundred profiles available. Vinyl comes in many colours and three finishes, matt, textured and gloss. It is a serviceable product, being tough and easy to clean. We buy these doors from Polytec, Albedor and Laminex.
A door made from a board product is just about the toughest door you can have. It is the most cost-effective door available. The doors are cut from a large sheet of board and edged with ABS in a matching colour. Complete Style Joinery has the latest machine that applies this edge, meaning the join looks seamless and the edge will never come off.
Your style choices are numerous, with a multitude of finishes available in matt, timber grain and solid.
Complete Style Joinery can manufacture a door with the profile of your choice. This can then be painted in any colour and finish. 2 Pac paint is a durable finish, a bit like car paint.

There are many options when choosing a timber door. You have the choice of timber species and style of the door. Most timber doors will be hand made locally and finished with a polyurethane clear finish.
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