
Complete Style Joinery 2020 Trend Forecast

Choosing the colour scheme for your home is no easy feat. There are several factors to be considered. Are you decorating the home as your forever home or do you need to consider re-sale? The answer to theses questions should influence your decision on colour selections. If it is your forever home the world is your oyster, you can fulfill your wildest dreams with no restraint. If, however, you are looking to a future sale you must be more constrained with your choices, probably sticking to a neutral palette.Many people will cave under the enormi...
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  1174 Hits
1174 Hits

5 Storage Ideas For Your New Kitchen

Over the years you stockpile food, cooking utensils, pots and pans and plastic containers. Somehow you manage to squeeze them all into your current kitchen. When you make the decision to update and put in a new kitchen you break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it! It seems impossible that you will be able to re-house everything in new kitchen. "Don't Panic" we are here to help. There are so many clever storage systems that will house everything but, in a way, that you can access them. Every year the cabinetry and joinery introduce new p...
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  1000 Hits
1000 Hits